In my recent article on the suspicious nature of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict I noted that, just as with Ukraine, the establishment is seeking to lure Americans into supporting one side or the other despite the fact that neither side is really worth fighting for. It is a classic destabilization and globalization strategy reminiscent of WWI. Whenever Americans begin to rally around their own culture, their own security and seek to solve their own problems, suddenly another foreign conflict arises which for some reason requires us to intervene.
For many readers, it might not seem like much, but after nearly a decade of woke infiltration and far-left efforts to deconstruct the U.S., there has been a backlash that is now threatening to suffocate the woke movement. BLM is on a steep decline, SJW-infested universities are suffering from dwindling enrollment and lack of legitimacy, woke Hollywood is burning and their profits are collapsing, the trans agenda is finally being obstructed and multiple states are blocking their efforts to target and groom children, and focus has been returning to the dangers of Democrat open-border policies with a majority of Americans now demanding something be done.
The pendulum is swinging back on the political left and "America First" is making a comeback. What is the establishment to do? What they always do is get the populace trapped in another pointless foreign entanglement. That way our focus on the homefront is diverted, our resources and tax dollars are shipped overseas, and our men are sent to die on alien ground instead of fighting to secure our own borders. As a society we are not allowed to put America first; when we try, we are consistently sabotaged.
Many conservatives will inevitably choose Israel over the Muslims, and for good reason: The Islamic culture and Sharia ideology are completely incompatible with traditional Western values, and they are a destructive presence in predominantly Christian countries. People will support Israel because it is seen as the "lesser of two evils." Whether or not this is actually true is up for debate and there are plenty of historic incidents which have made Israel a liability more than an ally. Then again, we have all seen what mass Muslim immigration has done to Europe with skyrocketing theft, violent crime, rape gangs and terrorist attacks.
Regardless of what side you might think is "more right" in the current conflict, it's important to understand that Islamic culture sees the West as a ripe fruit to be picked and devoured. They see Westerners as cattle and believe their religion is meant to overwhelm and conquer the West. Hell, the Israelis might think the same way, but they aren't trying to migrate here by the tens of millions.
It is this very mindset of infiltration and subjugation among Muslims that appeals so much to the political left. As we have seen over the past week, there have been numerous mass demonstrations in favor of Palestinians in U.S. cities and the majority of the people involved in these events are NOT Muslims. Rather, they are the same leftist extremists that backed the BLM riots. They are the same people who rage and froth over any attempts to close the southern border. They are the same people who demand gender-fluid indoctrination in public schools. These people are the bulk of the pro-Palestinian protests.
But why? The fact is that Muslim culture despises progressive ideology. If a leftist was to promote any one of their beliefs in an Islamic-controlled nation they would be imprisoned or put to death. Try to teach the trans agenda to kids in a Muslim school and then count the days before you are thrown off a roof or beaten in the streets. There is simply no intersection between western progressives and Islam; so why are they working together?
I would chalk up this bizarre alliance to what you might call "mutual exploitation." The Muslims see the political left as a key to opening doors to the West, a sort of gatekeeper that will wave in any visitor without vetting them first. Leftists are the chink in the armor, the weak point in the fence that Islamic groups take advantage of. But what about leftists? What do they have to gain from associating with a group that ultimately wants them dead?
Leftists love Islam exactly because it is the antithesis of everything the Western world stands for.
To understand leftists one must understand the foundations of Cultural Marxism. This ideology seeks to sabotage existing cultures and civilizations as a means to create chaos. That chaos is then used as cover to introduce socialist/communist systems as a "solution." In the case of the original Marxists, the strategy was to provoke the working class into rebellion against the wealthy classes. Cultural Marxists use a similar method of instigating civil unrest among the "marginalized" but they focus less on economics and more on social and cultural divisions.
In other words, race, religion, sexuality, etc. are their bread and butter. Leftists (and of course globalists) view minority groups as cannon fodder to be thrown at any given society until it breaks down. Most on the left are mentally and physically weak and even though they are zealots they still know that if they engaged in an outright civil war they would be wiped out within days. They are not capable of competent warfare or revolution on their own. So, they absorb the causes of other groups and then use those groups as enforcers.
In the case of Muslim extremists, the left is salivating because they need fanatical muscle; they need groups of people who are willing to kill for their cause, and Muslim extremists are certainly willing to do that. As conservatives and patriots, we generally do not think in mercenary terms. We believe in fighting our own battles and fighting them with certain principles attached. The left does not think this way. They only care about winning. They only care about power, and they do not care what they have to do to achieve their goals.
The left is working with Islam because they don't have any principles that limit their behavior or morals that restrict them from forming alliances. In the mind of a leftist, Muslim Sharia Law is not a deal breaker because at the moment Muslims are useful to them. That is the extent of the matter. They might regret their decision tomorrow, but today, leftists think they now have access to a new pool of minority muscle that will wreak havoc on the West.
As for the globalists, they hope that the new burst of energy in the woke movement and the implications of a wider war in the Middle East will keep American patriots distracted for many months to come, instead of organizing to secure U.S. borders, the U.S. economy and U.S. heritage.
To truth and knowledge,Brandon Smith
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